Reinvigorating and Re-Energizing Your Attitude About Work


It has happened to all of us. You are going about your daily work routine when one day you realize that you are in a slump. The parts of your job that once excited you have now become mundane tasks that you muster up just enough strength to check off of your “to do” list. The drive for perfection (or at least quality performance) that you once had has turned into “good enough will do”. The mere thought of going into work evokes feelings of dread.

It can happen for different reasons. For some of us, it is burn out. You have given and done your best for so long and you are just tired…exhausted…feeling unappreciated…needing a break…just plain OVER IT. At other times, the catalyst is an incident in the office. Maybe you felt that you were treated unfairly in a situation or your hard work has gone unnoticed. Whatever the reason, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You just need to hit the restart button.

Here are some ways to reboot and restart to get over the hump:

  • Spruce up Your Workspace. In addition to doing a thorough cleaning (shredding papers, clearing clutter, and disinfecting), do an ambiance check. What type of vibe is your workspace giving off? Does it exude positivity and productivity or is it drab and depressing? Do you feel inspired in this space or do you feel stifled? You spend at least eight hours a day in this space so make it work for you. Add pictures, plants, motivational quotes, and artwork to your space. However, be mindful to not overdo it. Sometimes less is more.


  • Make a Massive To Do List. List everything that needs to be done. The operative word is everything so don’t forget to add those things that you deem to be small tasks, such as returning phone calls and emails. Once the list is made, organize it in terms of priority: Urgent and Important — Urgent but Not Important — Important but not Urgent —-Not Important and Not Urgent…and then begin tackling the list. The satisfaction of checking things off of your list will give you a morale boost.


  • Take a Lunch Break…Every Day. Whether you are able to leave the office or not, take 30 minutes to an hour to completely disconnect from work and do something for yourself. Read a book, take a walk, surf the internet, or meet a friend for lunch. Having that time away is refreshing and gives you the energy to tackle the rest of the day.


  • Review Your Job Description. Is it still accurate or does it need to be updated? Which responsibilities still excite you? Which ones do you loathe and/or feel no longer fit? Have a conversation with your supervisor about readjusting your responsibilities to support your career goals and development. Just make sure that they align with the needs to the company or department.


  • Take a Vacation Day…or Two. If none of the above suggestions work to refresh you, consider taking a day or two off. One of the best ways to do it is to take a day before and/or after a holiday or combine a Friday and Monday. This stretches the time and makes your time away from the office seem longer. While you are out of the office, turn off work email, avoid driving by your place of work, if possible, and disengage from your colleagues who have a habit of talking to you about work while you’re away. That way, when you come back, you are reinvigorated and re-energized.


What are some strategies that you use to reinvigorate and re-energize your work mindset needs a restart?

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